So much has happened in the past 6 months, but the past couple months have been especially heavy on me. I was hurt by a number of people, some more than others, but along with that I was lifted by a number of people, some more than others. So instead of writing paragraph upon paragraph trying to update you on the last several months, and instead of delving into the those dark times, I'm going to follow my blog title and give the reasons why I "rejoice always" no matter the obstacle:
Districts, one of my many girls, Allie.

Nike Team Nations. The kids I coach. Absolute mud bath, absolute joy.

More of my XC family. This boy, Matt Melancon, won state for the first time ever in Sheldon history. I cried, multiple times. Watch out for his name.

Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Stuffer/Spinney v Spinney Battle. I may have lost by 5 seconds to my father, but I ran 17:46 which is a LIFETIME PR and got 1st place for women. That day yet again proved to me it's worth the fight.

My trip to California. Six Flags with the Six Best Friends... (my brother is missing, their was 6 of us)

There he is! My brother.

Grabbing hot chocolate and catching the meteor shower at the beach in Carlsbad! Beautiful.

My beautiful family (and that includes Casey)

The boys I babysit. I was told by the one on the right that Ireland is not a part of Great Britain. I am not smarter than a 5 year old.

New Years Day. If only I could explain our relationship to other people... We match in so much more than just our outfits. And it's perfect.

Before the most anticipated game EVER, the BCS championship game. Oregon v Auburn. We lost by 3 points, but I have never enjoyed watching a game more. Very inspirational game. These are our Darron Thomas jersey's who is #1, but also, Kelli and I are each others #1 :)
ReplyDeleteI think you are pretty awesome too...welcome back...