Monday, March 29, 2010

Kelli is 24 and loves it

Kelli Maks, my roommate, turns 24.

First the day started with me setting my alarm for midnight and then I had a boot next to my bed that I grabbed and threw against her wall and yelled happy birthday. Apparently she yelled thank you back, but I think I feel back asleep before the boot hit the ground....

Then we actually woke up that morning and while she was in the shower, I ran into her room and waited for her to yell happy birthday again and give her presents! We now having matching water bottles, but different in out favorite color!
After that we ate cereal in front of the tv and watch Hannah Montana (I was more attached than she was) then got ready for church. As we saw people at church I made it a point to tell everyone that it was her birthday which then lead to a wonderful lunch with great company at Mucho Gusto. Kelli, Me and guys, hmmmm....

After that we headed home and I started on a cake recipe we found at borders but were too cheap to buy the book so Kelli pretended to read me a book as I took out my camera and took pictures of the recipe... oops. Anyway, I made the cake as Kelli watched basketball. I failed on the first attempt of the cake, so I made a second one that looked much better, but I still had no idea if it would be good or not. Put the cake away and then different people came over and we headed to the birthday dinner place, Cornicopia. Enjoyed great food and great company again.

(Kelli's burger was essential raw, so she had to send it back)

(We didn't make it in the group shot, so we had our own)
And then more friends came over for cake and laughter!

(It turned out delicious! I want to make it again)
(24 candles including the one on the side - she got them all)
(So cute it hurts)
It turned into a wonderful day and in the words of Kelli, one more year until she's half way to thirty! That birthday will be BIG. I'm already planning it. Half way to thirty! You're invited. March 28, 2011.

Love you Kelli. Glad we're number 1's! And thanks Suzie and Dan!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Race Back!

So, I lived the moment. I got back on that track, I toed the line, the gun went off, and I ran.

And it did not disappoint. I felt good, I went out strong, I enjoyed every minute of it, and it all just felt so right. I can finally tell anyone with so much confidence that my shortcomings and persistence over the last 5 years was so well worth it. I'm on cloud nine and am so in love with running.

And thanks to the Heather Spinney Fan Club, you guys rock my world! :)

(This is my me and my mom. She couldn't be there, so my friend made a cardboard cut-out of her so she could be there for me)

Oregon Preview, March 20, 2010, 1500 - 4:52.40

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Like Riding A Bike

Potential Count Down: First race in 4 days!

The word has not been official if I've been accepted into the Oregon Preview meet yet or not, but we're assuming that's the case. And if that really is the case, oh wow. I'm trying to look at it as if it's like riding a bike. I haven't gotten on the bike in over 4 years now, so I'm just praying that when I step to that line to race, it will come back to me just like riding a bike. I just have to remember to put on my helmet so I'm ready for anything, so if I crash I can bounce back up and try again. I'm ready for anything and long as it's something.

With the count down means preparing in every way with out actually running the race. That means SPIKES! I just got my first pair of spikes since I bought some my junior year of high school - 6 years ago... And I feel like I'm floating in them! Seriously, I'm pretty sure I could literally fly when I wear them. The Matumbo's, the spikes, are in fact the lightest pair of "shoes" out there. 3 ounces(for a size 10 and mine are 6.5)!! It feels like I am bare foot with traction!

So, I'm preparing mentally, I'm running more than ever, and I got my spikes! Now, I just have to get into the meet and then fly.

(PS: my spikes have to have a name... so if anyone has any good ideas, let me know!)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Happy Lose

I love sweets. And I have had this thought that if I cut all sweets out of my diet my running would be so much better and I would feel so much better about myself. In the winter, I find that actually to hold more true, but as we approach spring all I want is pie and something to hit that craving... so I caved, I ate pie and ice cream. But this is what it comes down to. I'm not proving anything by going so long without sweets and it's more about control and portion than all or nothing. I don't need to sacrifice everything good for one goal, but just be mindful. I like to go to extremes and that's not what it's about. It's a big lesson of self control and hard work with a nice pay off. If I want to be a good runner, I'm not going to fail because I ate a piece of pie, a whole pie, yes, failure, but being smart is just a difficult as trying to avoid it at all.

So, I'm back on sweets (winter we'll revisit), but I'm happy with my decision. :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mr Irish

I just got to witness some of the kids I have coached since they first entered high school come full bloom. Watching them grow has been a huge blessing and it's no understatement when I say they are one of the biggest parts of who I am today. They are my heros. They have pulled me through some incredibly hard times and some amazingly joyous times.

Three of the boys (the three that ran with me in the Turkey Stuffer!) got chosen to participate in the annual senior boys pageant, Mr. Irish. It's a fundraiser for the Children's Miracle Network, so they spend 3 months doing fundraisers and raising money up until today, the pageant, where they stand on stage, do some dances, show off their talent, thank their mothers, and answer some questions. At the end of the night there are ten winners with one crowned Mr. Irish. None of my boys got that title, but holy moly, how many times can you try to make a girl cry. I'm so proud of those boys and the people they've grown up to be.
Also, there has to be other people who run the whole show, because let's be honest, 10 boys trying to do everything themselves.... That's why they have coordinators and head coordinators, the senior girls. And one of favorite girls that I have coached was the co-head coordinator. She's come a long way and blossomed into something truly incredible. She is a true inspiration.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Everything Closes at 5

Saturday, beautiful skies, clouds rolling in, what to do? Adventure to the Oregon Coast! There were 5 of us who wanted to hang out so we met at neutral place and thought long and hard about what to do. I threw out going to the Newport Aquarium thinking it was a long shot, but everyone liked the idea! So we jumped in the car and Kelli, Emily, Winston, Jimmy and I were on our way!!! We left probably around 2:45 pm with no care or worry about time or anything else. So we headed to Florence and up to Newport. Beautiful drive with great company and music! We finally showed up at the aquarium right around 5:05.... turns out as we're walking in there's a big sign saying it closes at 5. Fail.

While we stood together in group pity we heard loud cheering and screaming, so of course we gravitated towards the joyous sounds to see big white tents, police men on horses, and lots of people. We met a drunk guy who filled us in that is was the Annual Wine and Seafood Festival! Alright, next adventure. We go to join the party only to find out they close the party at 5. Fail.

So we move on to go to dinner at Moe's in Florence. We get in the car and pull out of the parking lot and all of a sudden police lights behind us. Fail. The cop was awesome though. Winston was driving and the cop says to him that he pulled him over becasue he failed to completely stop at the stop sign, "actually you failed real good, you didn't even stop at all", so funny! Winston had no idea about the stop sign and Kelli filled the cop in about our trip thus far and Emily and I talked to him about his gun. He left us with a verbal warning and left us to continue on our adventure with another story under the belt.

We're heading back to Florence as the sun is setting, so we pull over and go play on the beach, take jumping pictures and enjoy the very little sunset between the clouds. So fun.

We continue. We make it now to Devil's Churn, the sun is down, and we watch the waves crash into the rocks for a few minutes and take some pictures.

Finally, food. We make it to Moes, eat sooo many crackers and Kelli and I enjoyed the grilled cheese while the others didn't so much enjoy the clam chowder. After a long day of great adventures we headed home and had great conversation that pried into our lives and got to know each other a little bit better. And Kelli fell asleep.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

She walks like a chihuahua.

So I have been home from Southern California now for about 5 days, and it feels as if I never even went, or if I did it was months ago. I'm not okay with that. Clearly that just means my trip was not long enough...

I just wanted to give a few highlights of the trip:

1) The sun and sunsets.

2) My cousin, Breianne, and I went to the San Diego Zoo. Best animals: baby panda and sun bear!
3) We went to the Wild Animal Park (we like animals...) Best animal: 10 day old Elephant!!
5) Shopping, eating and watching the Olympics everyday with Brieanne.
6) I don't have a picture of it, but the best fruit pie ever that my Aunt Barbara made as my last sweet until my birthday (June 3rd)!

All together, I love my family, I love Carlsbad as my home, and my Grandma is by far one of the strongest people I know and is continually in my prayers.