My good friend Germaine Gamiet is leaving to go back to South Africa to live for, as long as I can tell, forever and ever. It's an extremely sad thing that I am not even remotely ready for.
The story of our friendship began last year at Emily's house. There was a group of us gathering together to play games and just enjoy each others company. Somehow we got on the topic of me dying. How this happened, I'm not sure. But regardless, there we were talking about my death and what I would will to people. I willed Emily my monkey stuffed animal speakers (thanks Sarah for that), willed Aaron Brose my running speed, and then Germaine (us just meeting for the first time that night) asked what I would give him. The first thing I thought of was my car. So, Germaine, if I die, you get my car, even if you are in South Africa. Also that night, Shaphan decided it would be a good idea to dare me to eat a entire candle stick. And when I'm dared, I don't back down. So, I was fully prepared to eat this candle stick for ten dollars, however someone freaked out and basically refused to let me eat it. There went ten dollars I will never see. But the point of that story is that from that day forward, Germaine would remember me as the girl who was going to eat a candle.
Anyway, Sunday night his Eugene family threw him a Braai, which essentially is a South African BBQ. It was a great time with even better company. We had some wine, delicious food, great dessert, all followed up with a great fire on their deck patio.

Germaine and Me

Germaine, Emily, Christian, and Me
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