This is the ultimate day that we've been waiting for, going to Fenway Park and watch the Redsox game. This was also the reason for Kelli actually coming to Boston with us.... so there is a lot of pressure riding on this day.
It started with meeting at Fenway early afternoon to sign up for the ball park tour. We got there a couple minutes late, so we had to sign up for the tour an hour later at 3 pm. So what to do while we wait? Go to the Redsox team store? Okay! We spent a good amount of time before the tour there and I would say I spent most of my Boston money there. And anything Redsox is totally worth it!
After the store it was time for the tour, time to enter Fenway Park! It was an incredible moment! The tour was great and we were in Fenway. Such a beautiful stadium with so much history!
Right after the tour we headed across the street to "Boston Beer Works" and had such a great meal!! I got the garden burger and sweet potato fries. Best garden burger I have ever had, no doubt about it and the sweet potatoes, again, probably the best I've ever had. I also order a blueberry ale and also, delicious! We tried to hang out in the restaurant as long as possible, but the line and crowd began to grow, so we felt bad keeping a table.
Then, it was game time! We went into the park about an hour before game time and basically watched batting practices. Kelli and I made our way down to the field so all we had to do if we really wanted was to reach down over the fence and touch Fenway dirt right next to the Redsox bullpen. Those weren't our seats, but we got to experience for a few minutes what it might be like to have those seats.... some day we will.
This is what happened at the game: We got a grand slam, a couple home runs, Papelbon pitched (my favorite player), went into extra innings - the 12th, and we won! Everything about that game was perfect! AND our seats were sooooo awesome. I'm going to have to be rich and famous to ever get seats better than that. We also got the needed experience of having obnoxious people in front of us that we got in a tiff with.
All in all. Fenway Park is perfect. And I will always love the redsox.
"Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one women are told. I decided I was safe. I was strong. I was brave... And it wasn't long before I actually wasn't afraid."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 4
Today was a long but great day! It started out with a 8 mile run along a beautiful bike path and then followed with a day in Boston!
Kelli and I got to live the Bostonian life by traveling via bus and subway. This was actually my first time on a city bus! Very big moment for me. So we get into town and got some food and then headed to the New England aquarium. The aquarium was packed and cost way more than we would like - kelli, 2nd failed trip to an aquarium... So then we decided to take a trolley tour through the freedom trail, again too expensive. So we used what God gave us and walked the trail. We ended up walking over 6 miles for sure. Our feet were tired and poor Kelli wore flip flops and got some bad blisters. But the freedom trail had a lot me cool parts to it, and also some boring parts... But my favorites were the Old North Church and the Bunker Hill Memorial. However you had to walk up the memorial 297 steps to get to the top. Our legs were shaking!! So painfully funny.
After we finished our 6 hour adventure in Boston we headed home, had so grilled dinner and watched the RedSox finally who a game!! Tomorrow is our day at fenway, so it was a good pump up for tomorrow! McDonald, thank you for hopefully light a fire in the team.
Tomorrow should be another great day in downtown Boston and to THE fenway park!!!
Kelli and I got to live the Bostonian life by traveling via bus and subway. This was actually my first time on a city bus! Very big moment for me. So we get into town and got some food and then headed to the New England aquarium. The aquarium was packed and cost way more than we would like - kelli, 2nd failed trip to an aquarium... So then we decided to take a trolley tour through the freedom trail, again too expensive. So we used what God gave us and walked the trail. We ended up walking over 6 miles for sure. Our feet were tired and poor Kelli wore flip flops and got some bad blisters. But the freedom trail had a lot me cool parts to it, and also some boring parts... But my favorites were the Old North Church and the Bunker Hill Memorial. However you had to walk up the memorial 297 steps to get to the top. Our legs were shaking!! So painfully funny.
After we finished our 6 hour adventure in Boston we headed home, had so grilled dinner and watched the RedSox finally who a game!! Tomorrow is our day at fenway, so it was a good pump up for tomorrow! McDonald, thank you for hopefully light a fire in the team.
Tomorrow should be another great day in downtown Boston and to THE fenway park!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 3
Marathon Day!
I finally got a good nights rest! Hurray! Probably about 7 hours, go me! After we woke up, Kelli and I followed my Uncle John in a caravan to the spot where we would be watching the marathon. I don't remember exactly the places we were driving through, but probably one of the prettiest drives I have ever taken. We decided it's not as green as Oregon, but it has a lot more earth tones to it that make up a beautiful palette of colors. It has you greens, oranges, browns, yellows, whites, blues. So natural. Everyday day I spend here is just one more day of motivation to come out here and live some day.
So, after the beautiful drive, we made it to our spot on the marathon course. It was right after they hit the half marathon, right before mile 14. So, at that point most people were feeling pretty good. We got to see the elite men and women go by surrounded by police and then the whole swarm of over 27000 people followed behind them! I was getting updates on the runners times every 5000 meters, so I would know when they hit the half marathon. And once they hit the half marathon it became a where's waldo in a marathon. There are just so many people out there that you're eyes become tired trying to look for people you know. But it's so worth it!! We didn't miss anyone. We got to see my uncle Chris come by first, then my friend Jeff Masterson, a couple of my dads running buddies, my dad and then sue! Kelli got to run a few steps with my dad as she gave him a water bottle, so basically, Kelli ran the Boston Marathon. In between seeing people we knew and after everyone passes, we still stayed on the course and cheered on everyone else. When someone ran by with an oregon shirt, Kelli and I would erupt with loudness! And there were a lot of people who put their name on their shirt, so we could cheer them on by name. It was so fun to be apart of that! Next marathon we go to, we're having a contest to see how many acknowledgments we can get from the runners - whether a wave, a point, or a thank you. People running are so nice and thankful that you're out there cheering that it makes it so fun for us! Anyway, everyone finished. My dad was hurting a little, but he surpassed his expectation of finishing the race! I'm so proud of him!
The marathon took up a good amount of the day, so after we headed to my uncles house and my uncle who didn't run the marathon went for a run with me while Kelli rode the bike. Word to the wise - Boston, not a bike friendly town... Then we had some pizza for dinner, returned the rental car and lounged around so the marathoners didn't have to move. And we ate ice cream.
Another great day with great experiences!
Oh, and today I decided I want to be a marathoner.... Who ever thought I would say those words. But it looks sooo fun. Have you tiring, exhausting, and dumb.... but fun.
I finally got a good nights rest! Hurray! Probably about 7 hours, go me! After we woke up, Kelli and I followed my Uncle John in a caravan to the spot where we would be watching the marathon. I don't remember exactly the places we were driving through, but probably one of the prettiest drives I have ever taken. We decided it's not as green as Oregon, but it has a lot more earth tones to it that make up a beautiful palette of colors. It has you greens, oranges, browns, yellows, whites, blues. So natural. Everyday day I spend here is just one more day of motivation to come out here and live some day.
So, after the beautiful drive, we made it to our spot on the marathon course. It was right after they hit the half marathon, right before mile 14. So, at that point most people were feeling pretty good. We got to see the elite men and women go by surrounded by police and then the whole swarm of over 27000 people followed behind them! I was getting updates on the runners times every 5000 meters, so I would know when they hit the half marathon. And once they hit the half marathon it became a where's waldo in a marathon. There are just so many people out there that you're eyes become tired trying to look for people you know. But it's so worth it!! We didn't miss anyone. We got to see my uncle Chris come by first, then my friend Jeff Masterson, a couple of my dads running buddies, my dad and then sue! Kelli got to run a few steps with my dad as she gave him a water bottle, so basically, Kelli ran the Boston Marathon. In between seeing people we knew and after everyone passes, we still stayed on the course and cheered on everyone else. When someone ran by with an oregon shirt, Kelli and I would erupt with loudness! And there were a lot of people who put their name on their shirt, so we could cheer them on by name. It was so fun to be apart of that! Next marathon we go to, we're having a contest to see how many acknowledgments we can get from the runners - whether a wave, a point, or a thank you. People running are so nice and thankful that you're out there cheering that it makes it so fun for us! Anyway, everyone finished. My dad was hurting a little, but he surpassed his expectation of finishing the race! I'm so proud of him!
The marathon took up a good amount of the day, so after we headed to my uncles house and my uncle who didn't run the marathon went for a run with me while Kelli rode the bike. Word to the wise - Boston, not a bike friendly town... Then we had some pizza for dinner, returned the rental car and lounged around so the marathoners didn't have to move. And we ate ice cream.
Another great day with great experiences!
Oh, and today I decided I want to be a marathoner.... Who ever thought I would say those words. But it looks sooo fun. Have you tiring, exhausting, and dumb.... but fun.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 2
Life goal number one: live in Boston.
What a day! We started it off right with the 5k race. I wore my Oregon duck shirt for a little home pride and got a lot of cheers for Oregon during the race, I'm fact someone cheered "ducks fly together" to me! So great. For those of you who don't know. I have been struggling with an injury since my first race and didn't get to run for 2 weeks, just the eliptical during that time. This week leading up to the race I got to go on about 5 easy runs total... needless to say my dreams of beating my personal best and getting at least top ten were out the window. Getting on that start line I had few expectations. They had dropped to wanting to finish, hopefully finishing under 20 minutes (thinking likely high 19's) and maybe top 20 if I'm lucky. But mostly, I'm in Boston so just have fun. Well my friends, cross training does pay off! I did beat my personal best, ran an 18:39 and got 9th place for the women (out of roughly 2400) and 1st for my age group!! No idea how I did it, but I had so much fun doing it!!!! Kelli was also in the race, didn't feel too hot but still beat her personal best by 3 seconds! It was just too much fun. Someone who saw my shirt asked "you didn't come all the way out here for the 5k, did you??", and that was not my full intention coming over here, but now I would do it again just for that!!
The rest of the day was pretty low key. After the race we stopped by Niketown asked the guys working there where the nearest coffee was(for kelli) and I learned my life goal number two: marry a Boston boy! Oh my attraction to the accent and personalities! I don't know why, but I like it! I'd go to a stahbucks with them any day! :)
After that we went home, showered, ate and watched some of the redsox game. Then went back to Nike, I won a cowbell and all of us girls bought Boston Nike gear! Then we headed to my other uncles house, ate dinner and played trivial pursuit. My team won!!! I never win that game because my brother and dad cheat I'm pretty sure and know all the answers. But not this time! And my dad and uncle were on the other team... times are a changing! I also got to see some cousins I haven't seen from 3 to 10 years. It's a fun little family reunion for me, sorry kelli...but really you're apart of the family now too.
Anyway, onto day 3 tomorrow. Marathon!! And a few more days closer to fenway park!
What a day! We started it off right with the 5k race. I wore my Oregon duck shirt for a little home pride and got a lot of cheers for Oregon during the race, I'm fact someone cheered "ducks fly together" to me! So great. For those of you who don't know. I have been struggling with an injury since my first race and didn't get to run for 2 weeks, just the eliptical during that time. This week leading up to the race I got to go on about 5 easy runs total... needless to say my dreams of beating my personal best and getting at least top ten were out the window. Getting on that start line I had few expectations. They had dropped to wanting to finish, hopefully finishing under 20 minutes (thinking likely high 19's) and maybe top 20 if I'm lucky. But mostly, I'm in Boston so just have fun. Well my friends, cross training does pay off! I did beat my personal best, ran an 18:39 and got 9th place for the women (out of roughly 2400) and 1st for my age group!! No idea how I did it, but I had so much fun doing it!!!! Kelli was also in the race, didn't feel too hot but still beat her personal best by 3 seconds! It was just too much fun. Someone who saw my shirt asked "you didn't come all the way out here for the 5k, did you??", and that was not my full intention coming over here, but now I would do it again just for that!!
The rest of the day was pretty low key. After the race we stopped by Niketown asked the guys working there where the nearest coffee was(for kelli) and I learned my life goal number two: marry a Boston boy! Oh my attraction to the accent and personalities! I don't know why, but I like it! I'd go to a stahbucks with them any day! :)
After that we went home, showered, ate and watched some of the redsox game. Then went back to Nike, I won a cowbell and all of us girls bought Boston Nike gear! Then we headed to my other uncles house, ate dinner and played trivial pursuit. My team won!!! I never win that game because my brother and dad cheat I'm pretty sure and know all the answers. But not this time! And my dad and uncle were on the other team... times are a changing! I also got to see some cousins I haven't seen from 3 to 10 years. It's a fun little family reunion for me, sorry kelli...but really you're apart of the family now too.
Anyway, onto day 3 tomorrow. Marathon!! And a few more days closer to fenway park!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
First day in Boston!
Woke up 530 west time, felt great, went for a run in Boston, went to pick up race number, b
ate food in edowntown Boston, walked to the greatest sports arena on earth, went to dinner, had sweet potato pasta, and watched the redsox while at dinner screaming at the tv as well as everyone else. Awesome day! Race tomorrow!
ate food in edowntown Boston, walked to the greatest sports arena on earth, went to dinner, had sweet potato pasta, and watched the redsox while at dinner screaming at the tv as well as everyone else. Awesome day! Race tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Opening Day
I will have to apologize because the majority of my posts to come will include the red sox or boston because it just so happens that I am leaving for Boston in 1 week and 2 days!!!! And in exactly 2 weeks I will be in THE Fenway Park watching the Red Sox!! Yikes, so excited!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
“I think there couldn’t have been any better situation for me to go out there and prove that, yeah, I took a hit on the chin last year, but it happens in this game,” Papelbon said. “And I’m back for vengeance.”
Love him.
Love him.
Monday, April 5, 2010
3rd Annual Coastaversary
The very beginning of spring break (for those in school) Emily and I headed to our spot for our spring break reunion and 4th weekend in a row of traveling together somewhere. Very fun adventure. 3 years ago we hide a girl scouts tin full of easter candy, matches, a pencil and 2 pieces of paper with both of our "futures" on it...
(Now the candy is dissolved, matches are useless, but pencil and paper perfect condition!)

Still there through sun and rain and still holds true.
After we experienced our "future", we went on a run down this awesome gravel road along side a beautiful river. And the past 2 years when we've gone, it's the time when I'm injured so Emily would run by herself... not this time!

After the run, we explored the beach and took some awesome pictures!

Then of course we had to fuel up on the best saltines around! I think I have consumed more saltines at Mo's than anywhere else combine. They just have them sitting at the table, so why not eat free saltines. They also produce the best grill cheese sandwiches around!

And of course we headed across the street to BJ's ice cream and I got 4 samples and a junior 2 scoops (and I wonder why I have such trouble losing weight...) But that topped it off and we headed back to Eugene with another successful Coastaversary under out belt!
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