Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Happy Lose

I love sweets. And I have had this thought that if I cut all sweets out of my diet my running would be so much better and I would feel so much better about myself. In the winter, I find that actually to hold more true, but as we approach spring all I want is pie and something to hit that craving... so I caved, I ate pie and ice cream. But this is what it comes down to. I'm not proving anything by going so long without sweets and it's more about control and portion than all or nothing. I don't need to sacrifice everything good for one goal, but just be mindful. I like to go to extremes and that's not what it's about. It's a big lesson of self control and hard work with a nice pay off. If I want to be a good runner, I'm not going to fail because I ate a piece of pie, a whole pie, yes, failure, but being smart is just a difficult as trying to avoid it at all.

So, I'm back on sweets (winter we'll revisit), but I'm happy with my decision. :)


  1. i right there with you on this one! i've been trying to eat healthier but i have suuuuuuuch a sweet tooth!

  2. I'm happy you made that decision! I struggle with the same sort of thing - portion control....not going in excess.....great post!
