Friday, December 18, 2009

Rocked my World

I have never experienced Christmas lights like this before. Sure I have seen this stuff done on the internet and movies, but never in person, on a street in Eugene. I screamed like a little girl when I first saw and heard it happen. The music you hear is my radio. You set your radio to a certain station, and the lights are qued up for what ever is playing. It's an HOUR loop. I thought it was just going to be one song played over and over, but we stayed for a good 30 minutes and nothing ever repeated. Magic!! Sorry it's not very good quality, it's through my cell phone. I'll try to get a better one with my camera, because yes, I will be going again before Christmas.

And not only did we get to experience this little drop of heaven, but before while driving around looking at other lights, there was a santa walking around the neighborhood, and of course, we yelled with excitement. He came walking to our car and gave us two handfuls of candy canes!! Probably one of the best Christmas light extravaganzas I've ever had.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lazy Day

This is what my Sunday consisted of:

-The Holiday
-27 Dresses
-hour nap
-P.S. I Love You
-The Proposal

I've never been able to accomplished watching 5 movies in one day. Go me!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I just spent my morning being involved with this:

It was the most humbling and encouraging experience all in one. A photographer put something together where we went to a mission and set up for family and individual portraits. Then the photographers gift to these woman and children will be those pictures, any size any amount, all for free. My roommate Kelli and I got to man the hair and make-up. All the little girls want their hair curled, they were so cute. I can't even express to you how much of an impacted this made on everyone, including myself. To give you a little taste how huge this movement is and will be, one woman said, "this is an incredible opportunity, I haven't had my picture taken since 1986".

Friday, December 4, 2009

Look Both Ways.

Kelli and I were at the grocery store getting a birthday present for our friend. So excited for what we found, I was even more excited to get to him and present it! With that said, we were leaving the store and my mission was set: car, starbucks (where he works), present, joy; let's make it happen. I'm B-lining to the car with the gift in my head and all focus on that when I hear, "Uhhhhh.... CAR!". I can see in my peripheral a very large object coming around a corner right at me. I spin around as fast as possible and run into Kelli's arms with full knowledge that if she didn't say anything there would have been contact with me and this very large Lay's Potato Chip Truck.
Moral of the story: No matter how exciting the things in your hands are, or no matter how old you are, you should always look both ways!

Thanks Kelli.