Monday, June 29, 2009

Finally! The peek of pictures

Dinner time in out thrift store clothes!
These are the showers we built!  Hose water... very cold. (And our home, the building behind it)
We moved a barn.
This is where our Thursday night walk will be, Round Valley Lake.
My beautiful staff/family.
We're cool.
Water day at Lake Almanor.... beautiful!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Indian Valley - The Beginning

We have finally arrived in the little town of Greenville California.  My staff and I got here on Sunday and just trying to make it our home now.  Internet got here just this morning, and I really didn't  understand how much I love it until I got it for a brief moment yesterday and then was taken away until this morning.  Those 24 hours were very hard.  Anyway, first week of campers come on Sunday and we still have work to get done.  We have to build the showers still (hose water running for 3 shower heads for 60+ campers!!) and set up the port-o-potties which hopefully will come tomorrow.  The biggest project that happened so far was moving a barn, and that was interesting. 

My family here is awesome and I'm so excited to spend the whole summer with them.  I am actually going to be a little sad when campers come because there will be no more real family time for just us.  

But I absolutely love it.  I've been able to run everyday and explore the town and mountains.  It's definitely feeling like home.  It's sooooo green here.  Pictures are to come very soon!

Love to all! 

Here is a little peek of the week thus far:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The day of moons.

This weekend started out rough for me.... It started with me supposed to be camping but instead spending my time in Emergency Room.  I have had reoccurring headaches that have be nothing like anything I have experience, so concern was spread quickly, mainly from MRI results I had last year.  Nothing is immediately wrong and I'm doing much better, but I have a follow up MRI Thursday and hope and pray for good results.  With all of that going on however, my first day back from bed and rest was one to enjoy.  Every Monday for the past 5 weeks or so have been spent with my good friends Kelli, Mark and Shaphan.  And this Monday, the last one for the foreseeable future was filled with a giant cookie with ice cream on top, Mario Kart on the 64, and a 20 picture photo shoot with Mark and Shaphan and Shaphan's jean jacket.  A little preview of how the night panned out! 

The Cookie (in dough form)

The crew. Me, Shaphan, Mark and Kelli (*Shaphan and I are not dating nor did I choose that pose*)
The best ones of the photo shoot.

I have great friends.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


So I've come to the conclusion that I suck at taking pictures to capture big parts of my life.... That's why it's great to have roommates/best friends who will no doubt be taking pictures.

So, today 22 years ago was my day of birth (thanks mom)!  The day started out awesome.  I woke up around 7:30 and walked into our kitchen to find the wall plastered with pictures from the past year with Julie.  And in the background was Kris Allen, the new American Idol, and his CD!  Then around 8:00 AM about 10 of my friends showed up to have breakfast and enjoy each others company.  They slowly started to go home or go to school (who does that) and Kelli stuck around for a while, thanks to her sick day, and we got to talk for a while which is always great.  At 2:00 pm I went and saw the most incredible movie I have seen in a long time - UP, in 3D!  That movie has every emotion of the rainbow and is just one of the new favorites for sure!  I then hurried over to cross country practice where 2 of my kids made me mac & cheese with a candle in it.... and brought window paint to write on my car however I biked so they just attacked me and painted my body.  After that I got to spend time with the family.  I went to dinner with my father and brother and then had dessert at my mom's with her and Jen.  But, I went back to my dads after dessert and he has a tradition of making a cake every year, so he had another cake for me there.  I am now left with a lot of cake... but that's not a bad thing.

All in all, it was a wonderful day/week of birthday!

A few shoot outs:

-Mom : Thanks for birthing me and always being there through thick and thin.  To always know you're on my side helps me get through everyday.  And for the watermelon in my hair!

-Dad : Thanks for helping create me.... and giving me so many of your traits, however some I could probably live without (like only answering the question given).  But the relationship we have grown into is everything more than I ever asked for.

-Thaniel : For making it on my birthday!!!  That was something I have been looking forward to for a long time now.  Thank you for blessing me with your presence!  I've made it 22 years now, and I have you to thank for getting me through most of it.

- J :  Uhhh.... this could go for too long, so to make it short and sweet (for now), thank you for the most incredible week, let alone year.  When Kara and Abby told me I need to say the best 3  things of my twenty-first year, you were one of them.  

-Emily : Thank you for the flipping my life around to a one with Christ... and to surprising me on not my birthday to a day filled with a human hamster wheel!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Surprise 22!

I have had one of the best weekends yet.  For those of you who don't know, my 22nd birthday (which i'm pumped because I love the number 2) is coming up on Wednesday, June 3rd.  So I've had some plans here and there for the actual day but little did I know that on Saturday my friends would be waking me up at 7:30 am to capture me(again) and blindfold me and take me out to the lake for my surprise birthday party!  It was truly magical.  Elisa made french toast with blueberry syrup for all of us and then we just played in the water.  Emily has this giant hamster ball for humans that floats on the water and is the most epic thing I have ever played with!  And we decided also that it would be a good idea to swim all the way across the lake (longest I have ever swam for sure!).  However when we reached the other side some of us were a bit tired, so my friend Reid found a large log against the shore and paddle back on the log!  It was so fun!
The rest of me weekend was just as fantastic: I went to go watch me friend Casey run at the regional meet at Hayward, went a BBQ for CCF at the University park and got in massive water fights, feel asleep to a movie, woke up and rode my bike to church with my roommate Julie (about an hour eachway), had Jamba Juice on the way, had lunch with Casey, had a bridal shower for my other roommate Rachel, had dinner at my favorite place Cornucopia with my mom and Jen, went to CCF, hung out with friends after, and then finished off Emily asking Ryan to formal!
Did I mention it was a good weekend??

(I don't know why the pictures are so little)